Monday, June 17, 2024

Snippet: Hearts Forged in Dragon Fire, by Erica Hollis

Most dragontongues don’t live long enough to learn from their mistakes. Lotte Meer is luckier than most, surviving long enough to communicate with the fierce, sullen, and temperamental dragons who are not above enjoying a human as a light snack. And she has the scars to prove it. Now a massive, foul-tempered dragon has taken over the town of Morwassen's Pass, taking the citizens hostage. As long as they bring him their gold and treasure, he won’t reduce their city to a smoking heap of ash and death. Only, the treasure is running out and Lotte—with the help of sharp-tongued, unbelievably cute Maryse Basvaan—is their last and only hope. But this dragon is more cunning—and more cruel—than any other. Not only is he holding Lotte’s estranged mom captive, but he has a taste for betrayal…and somehow he’s stricken some kind of secret deal with the girl who’s already gone and stolen Lotte’s heart.

“Pride and bravery kill more than weapons.”

Erica Hollis' Hearts Forged in Dragon Fire is a sapphic YA adventure that doesn't live up to its great premise. Set in a queernormative world, it sees the main character fall in love with a girl with a secret, navigate a newfound family, and attempt to save the city from a bloodthirsty dragon with her power that allows her to understand the language of dragons. The execution is very linear, the plot twists easy to see, and the narration very simple, but it's not a bad thing in itself; the book has things to say about learning that your parents are people, and it could be a very important book for a young reader who's just starting reading SFF. The mini-dragons are a delightful addition.

✨ 3 stars

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